Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Stuck at home..
I've been pretty sick lately and so I've been stuck at home with nothing to do.. It's starting to get very annoying! I hate allergies and I hate colds! I can't stop coughing! Yuck.
So I got bored and took some pictures of me then edited a few.. Hopefully I can go out some day soon and take some nature pictures.. Once I can walk more then a few feet without coughing that is!

This isn't a favorite of mine.. I hate how the red blanket is in there! Haha, oh well.

San Francisco Giants!.. I don't even watch baseball.. or like it for that matter.. but that hat was free! Haha

Sitting outside even though it was incredibly humid that day and like 90 degrees out! Yuck.. I could only stand to be out there for like 5 minutes at a time!

Laying on my bed!

I'm actually laying down in this picture.. but I cropped it & flipped it so no one can tell ;)


Blurry... but I like it anyways.

Yeah, it's about that time to start tanning again.. haha

I changed the colors in this one to "warm tones".. I really like the color.

I really need to cut my hair.. I think it's the cause of some of my headaches.. seriously, too much weight!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Mobile Photos
Got bored.. took some photos with my cell phone.. check em out ;)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I was bored, so I took some photos :)
Anthony during class.. apparently that day was incredibly boring.. :)
Nice serious shot.. and sweet mediacom jacket ;)
Right before going to Human Sexuality class! Oh the things we learn in that class.. haha
Going outside! It was soo nice out that day! I even opened the sun roof on the beetle!
Oh just being happyyy :)
Messing around with photo shop and trying different colors!
Natural lighting = very vibrant colors!
About to go out for the night and have some funnn :)
New freaking earrings! Got em on sale for $3! Hell yessss!
This is probably my favorite
Laying on my bed with the window open.. Seriously it was SO nice outside!
Seductive? Mmmm, I try ;)
Messing around with color again.. I kind of like the dull coloring
NO, I am not naked.. perverts
Valentine's Day!
I had a GREAT Valentine's Day! My babycakes is amazing! :)
Anthony gave me 3 cards through out the night!.. The first one is in spanish because I plan to minor in spanish haha!
I absolutely LOVE snoopy and woodstock (which is why all my cars were snoopy cards) and this snoopy talks and blows kisses! Cute!
Cute monkey that Anthony gave me! awwhh
Us being stupid of course..pretty flowers from my baby!
Close up of us before going out to eat at MyVerona (Italian resturaunt in CF)
Right before going to MyVerona.. it was WAY good, I recommend!
Beautiful flowers from Anthony.. The blue flower is his favorite color and the orange flower is mine and it's surrounded by red roses.. he said it's supposed to be me and him surrounded by love! Awwhh :)
Anthony had this made for me.. I read it and definitely started crying!
YUMMY cookie that Auntie Carol made for me! Thanks Auntie Carol! :)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
oRaNgE bOwL ;)
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