Miley aka tiney-behiney!..she's sucha cutie!

Both of my adorable nieces!

Who picked out that cute outfit that Lauren is wearing? Yeah, auntie Kaleigh definitely did! ;]

Awh, she thinks im way kool, trust me ;]

She looks a little tired..probably from too many photos..oops!

My cute niece Lauren and I..so basically I'm the one who cannot take pictures..I kept blinking and frustrating my sister! =] hahah
AWWEEE...pictures like this bring tears to my eyes!!! Just think...Lauren and Miley will think you are the coolest thing EVER....like you used to think of me!.....then they will grow up and you will be old like me....except you will probably still be "cool" then too!....Lauren looks like "seriously Auntie Kaleigh....we've taken like 30 pictures and you keep blinking!! You would never make it at our house...our Mommy is constantly taking pictures!".....Thanks for posting these! I love them and I want some of them on my blog too!!!