My Friend Brandon and I at his 21st birthday party! :) ignore the rude middle finger in the pic lol..damn you seth...

Zack and I..he's actually holding me..he's not really that short lol


Dawn and I being retarded.... ;)

Ky and her bottle of wine..jeeeeez..haha

I'm an idiot!.. beer poing in the backgroud..ooohh yeah

Well Ky and I are cute..but uh who's this douchebag behind me? I honestly don't even know his name...hahah

Ohhh Dawn!.. she does what I tell her to do.. ;)

Lol..boob shot?..and none of us were ready..makes for a wonderful picture haha! =P

My friend Jared and I...check out his hicky..how classy!

My shnookums and Me...awwhh :)

Jessica and I..just met her that night actually haha

Ky, Dawn, and I..She never lets go of that damn bottle haha..and I'm biting my lip trying to look seductive..didn't work!

Dawn with her beeeer..when doesn't she have a beer?... =P
lol fun times, great pics, I love your back ground, your good...