Sad because the turtle had a broken leg...

But I'll kiss you and make you feel better!

Trying not to laugh at the wounded turtle..but he's already so slow..I can't imagine how slow he is with only three legs..

That tree sure was comfy! ;)

How horrible would it be if my face stayed that way? Haha.. Beautiful.. or something!

Swinging! I felt like I was in 2nd grade again..

I didn't even know Auntie Carol had a swingset.. I should come over more often!

The sun was a little bright..but it was so cold!

Cheeeeeeeeeese :)

Trying not to have a repeat of 3rd grade when I did this and fell off the swing! OUCH!

Trying not to fall and die.....

Pushing Lauren on the swing! She kept putting her feet down and I was scared she was going to fall!

Someday she'll be able to swing super high and then jump off just like I did! Probably not the safest idea though.... haha

Kisses for Miley!

Come to Auntie Kaleigh! Even though you seem to like "Amy" better than me lately!

Looks like I'm poking her in the eye! I promise I'm not haha

Miley I love your polka dot hoody.. I want one in my size!

I put a leaf on her head.. hehe :)

NERD ALERT...... ;)

I'll give you lovies Miley! :)

Awh, I love how she's looking at me!

I'm waving at her I guess?.. lol, I might be a dork.

Heather took this pic and the next one when Aunt Kathy, Aimee&Breeya,
&Nikki&Addy came to visit! We should all do that again some time soon :)

I made that flower..took a whole minute..i guess that's not that creative then huh? haha

In a box.....

In the box even more... hahaha
Way nice pictures, yes you will have to come over to my house more often, Anthony can even come along and try to do the rings, Ty was trying but having a little trouble....lol Me, I will just watch :)